Kavi is now 38 weeks as of today! That means he's technically a full term baby. Which means we can now swaddle him with his arms to his sides. As a preemie we were told that preemies need their hands close to their face for comforting themselves. But now as a full term newborn, I can have his arms to his sides in the swaddle, which is fantastic!
He goes arm crazy! When he gets upset or uncomfortable, he starts flailing his arms, which adds fuel to the fire. So having his arms down actually chills him out. I just now did it, and it is magical! I love it!
He's been pretty naughty recently, and I think this swaddling the arms business will do a lot of good! I just now swaddled him, and he's been trying and trying to bust out, to no avail! See the video:
Oh, my friend Cassie showed me some great methods for calming down a baby:
Hushing Techniques
HAH HAH. I recognize that youtube link... Not rickroll'n me! You guys heard about know about the 5 s's? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/514376
THey worked magic for Grace.
Did I just get rickroll'd?!? This ain't myspace, maaaaaannnn!!!
Anyways... We used to call claire burrito baby. She'd go right to sleep when we wrapped her up. She did particularly well when I'd lay her on my chest. Parker however, was much fussier wrapped up and really didn't like laying on my chest. might be a boy vs. girl thing.
I can't believe I just got rickroll'd. I didn't even know about it until last weekend!
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