Thursday, April 17, 2008

No Longer a Preemie!!

Today is Kavi's expected due date! So he is no longer "gestational"! And he weighed in this morning at, drum roll please....



Yahoo!! We met and exceeded our goal!! Happy second birthday, Kavi! So for probably a year or so, he'll have two birthdates, February 12 (actual) and April 17 (gestational). Reason for this is so we can calculate developmental milestones correctly, adjusting for the gestational. But my guess is that since he is so strong and very determined, his actual age will catch up with his gestational age development pretty quickly. In fact, a couple of weeks ago, our pediatrician told us that he was already acting like a 2 week old, so hopefully he'll keep it up!

If you go back and look at the first few posts of this blog, and see his pictures of when he first arrived, and compare them to now, it's really great to see how much he's grown!