Nisha has been a tiny bit under the weather, so I've been doing the bottle feeds, and for two nights in a row, he's finished his bottle with me. We have our process down. The trick is to do it when he's the most awake. If he's sort of awake, then it is hopeless. He'll fall asleep during feeding time. But if we rile him up a bit, he gets wide awake, and he's ready to eat! Note - by "rile up", I mean do the things that we have to do for him anyways, just strategically timed.
Here is a pictorial illustration of our step-by-step process of successfully bottle feeding Kavi:
1. Take his temperature! You can tell how much he loves this by his facial expression!
2. Change his dirty diaper. The guy cannot lie still, and loves to cross his legs, making it that much harder!
3. Take his clothes off and weigh him! Again, he would not lie still at all. And, of course, he'd get a little chilly from this!
4. Put a new shirt on him.
5. Take him out and let him take in the world!
6. Annnnnd....FEED! He is good about self regulating - he knows when to take breaks when he sucks too much. And when he spits the bottle out, we know it's burping time!
1 comment:
He is beautiful and lucky to have such fabulous parents!
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