Welcome home, son!
Here's Nisha and Kavi at home sweet home!
We were going to room in, but they said rooming in was more for people who didn't interact much with their baby. We constantly interacted with Kavi, feeding him, changing his diapers, consoling him, changing his clothes, everything. So the docs said that we really don't need to room in if we don't want to. So we thought about it, and decided, let's bring him home tonight!
He got his Hepatitis B shot before he left. He slept fine throughout the car ride home, and even for the first half hour home, but then, he had a meltdown, and spit up and was crying like we'd never heard him cry before. We both freaked out, but I reasoned that it was him reacting retroactively to the Hepatitis B shot.
After that episode, he's been fine. Peeing like a racehorse, but fine.
And Oh! His Aunt Kruti (or Kruti-Masi, as he will be calling her), came in town from San Francisco to visit today! Kruti is Nisha's youngest sister.
Awesome awesome awesome! Some of the real heart stopping moments to come will be when Kavi gets his first full blown fever. His temp will spike up and you WILL freak out. When we were talking to Ellen's mom a few days after Grace was sick with her fever she said: "Well, you've survived the first getting sick" It's easier to deal with later...
i can't wait to meet him. you guys are going to be amazing parents. you'll do just fine.
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