Sunday, May 18, 2008

It's been a while!

Sorry for the delay in posting the blog. Been pretty busy, but also, not all that much new stuff going on in the world of Kavi.

In the mornings he does smile more and sometimes even giggles, so I'll have to try to be awake to capture that (I usually pull the graveyard shift, so I don't see it as often).

Today his grandparents from Mommy's side came to say hi (and graciously fix our sink and other household stuff!). Nisha's Mom made him a thick quilt! He really loves it! It looks like the backdrop to the opening of the Simpsons intro. Not only is it comfy, but he also likes to stare at it, when he's in his swing.

Wanna know something gross? Sometimes he doesn't poop for a few days, and then he releases it all in one big "mother-load". Whatever works for him, I guess!

Nisha's been taking him out for walks quite a bit. It's either in his fancy-schmancy stroller, or the Baby-Bjorn. The sling I think is done. Doesn't quite work as well, and is a bit convoluted. $75 for a piece of cloth with a ring! These baby product companies are raking it in!

Here's some video from today:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Grandparents are the best. There's something very interesting in 'sharing' your parent with your child. You imagine yourself as your child, being held and comforted by your parents and think... is that how they took care of me?