Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sorry it's been awhile...

It's been a little busy here in Kaviland, so apologies for the lack of my usually high turnaround time for entries. Thank you for reading and checking in on us.

The boy's growing! Kavi's already outgrowing some of his clothes! Kind of surprised me!

Well, he's 6 lbs, 7 oz. Hopefully he'll be a solid 6 and a half pounds by the time my parents arrive this Friday.

He's been a little blt fussier than usual...hopefully that will improve. Everybody tells me I'm going to miss this stage of him being like this. I find this hard to believe...! I can't wait for him to be able to hold up his head and communicate with us!

Oh, Nisha got these nice Dr. Brown bottles that are supposed to really help with acid reflux and air getting in...and tonight Kavi made it clear that this evening he did not want the nipple from that bottle, he wanted the more rubbery, slower-flow nipple like he had at the NICU. Maybe it was just an evening time thing, because he took from the Dr. Brown just fine before. Picky picky picky!

Anyways, here are some random Kavi videos:

This is of him being put in a car seat, because he's supposed to be sleeping, and we don't know what else to do with him! haha

Here he is getting a bath, cuz 'ol boy was filthy! You can only puke on yourself so many times before Mommy dunks you in a bucket.

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